Ammon got his stitches out today and got the pic line removed! He was very emotional during the ordeal because he was afraid of the tape pulling the hair on his arm and didn't like to have the sensation of the stitches coming out of his head. He was brave in the end, but he was sure afraid to do this before Dr. Valdez got started.
Dr. Valdez was very gentle and explained everything he was doing. When Ammon would cringe, Dr. Valdez would back off and give Ammon a minute to breathe a little easier. When it was done Ammon was so happy as he realized the pic line was gone that he grabbed Dr. Valdez and gave him a big hug and said, "I love you, Dr. Valdez!"

Dr. Valdez doesn't want Ammon to go back to school until after he has had the H1N1 vaccination but his office doesn't even get the stuff until the middle of November which means Ammon probably won't be able to go back to school until after Thanksgiving. Two half years missed! Wow. That's a big chunk out of his life just trying to recover and be well. At least he's on the mend.
You go Ammon! You are SO brave. You are looking as handsome as ever. Like your song says "for one so small, you seem so strong" It is true little one! I love your stinky guts. Thanks for letting me come do karaoke with you on monday! Monday is our play date from now on! Love you best friend-
Hi Ammon, wow, that's a lot of stitches in your head. Glad they are gone. Hope you can feel great all week and I'm really proud that you are a worthy priesthood holder and a teacher. Give your mom and dad a hug for me. Judy
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