Ammon attended his first Youth Conference this weekend. It started on Friday doing service projects in the town of Elk Ridge. They painted white arrows in the streets to show where the fire hydrants were and also spent a while pulling weeds in the town park. Kaitlin went with Ammon to help keep him cool with water, etc. She brought him home for lunch and then they packed up and Jim took them to Whiting Campground up Mapleton Canyon east of Springville, UT. There were some activities that he couldn't participate in because the hills were too steep and rocky to get his wheelchair up, but he was able to mingle with the group and hang out with somebody other than his mom and dad. We picked him up and left about 6:30 p.m. The rest of the group camped overnight.

It was a very pretty campground and very shaded. The group of kids was very large!

On Saturday morning, I (Mom) took Ammon back up and had CJ Linford follow us up there. I unloaded Ammon and left CJ with him. We have hired CJ to help out because Kaitlin is moving out soon. These two guys get along very, very well. CJ is a sweetheart and we're sure happy he is willing to spend time with Ammon.

In the photo below, Brother Sessions (first counselor in the bishopric)
is greeting Ammon. Brother Dwight Durrant (former next door neighbor) was the featured speaker today and was there to greet us when we got there.

They ended with a testimony meeting and lunch. Ammon even bore his testimony. I will have him put a post on himself so he tell his version since I wasn't there. Brother Stoker brought Ammon home.
Ammon got home about 1:15 p.m. He has been asleep for the past two hours. You would think he hiked a mountain! We sure do appreciate the leaders who worked hard to involve Ammon as much as possible.
Ammon buddy, you're getting closer and closer to a camping trip with your brothers. Looks like you're practicing for our event! -Jess
I am trying jess i am really trying
Fun! It looks like it was an awesome weekend. I look forward to hearing your testimony.
Looks like a very fun Youth Conference. Great that you were able to go. What was your favorite part of the Conference?
my favorite part was the speaker
Looks like you had a wonderful time! And that's really cool you were able to be there in the mountains! We sure miss the mountains!
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