Thursday, July 31, 2008

No Bare Chest!

Today for the first time since the surgery, Ammon is now wearing his own clothes, and we covered up that bare chest of his. He is able to move around freely in a power chair that they adapted to him. He went all around the hospital in this. He is a happy camper.


Jess and Jen said...

Glad to see him doing so well! -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

Lookin' good Ammon!

Anonymous said...


This is Roland. I am really happy that you are recovering from your surgery. I am looking at the picture in your own clothes. Looks like a pretty nice place. Is that a WII controller in your hand :) Keep getting better.

Anonymous said...


I can't believe how much you look like the "old you" and I can tell a change just since I came to visit you at PCMC last Saturday. Not that you are old, of course, but you look happy with color in your face and a great smile! No tubes and wearing your own clothes can do wonders, can't it?

Keep on truckin' friend - Ammon from the Book of Mormon hasn't got anything on you, Mr. Clark!

Still praying for you A LOT! Give your mom a BIG hug for me! I miss you both!

Love - Sister May

Jess and Jen said...

Roland, I thought that was a Wii, too, but it turns out it's just the DVD remote. Ammon and I talked about Wii this morning; he wished they had it at the hospital. -Jess

Jen said...

That's truly great! Good on ya, Ammon! We're routing for you!

Keri said...

You look awesome, buddy!