Ammon will begin to do more and more of his own entries, but I wanted to do this one because so many people have been wondering how this turned out today.
We went to Henry's 3rd birthday party last night and when Ammon first saw me, he began to cry. He was so nervous for this test that all he could think about was being suctioned. We tried to calm him down and tried to ignore him the best we could-- after all, it was Henry's celebration. Ammon kept trying to get himself under control but would end up crying again. As we were all getting ready to leave, Ammon said, "Hey everybody, if you would give me a blessing it will really help me out." So the boys gave him a blessing with Dad standing in, too. On the way home, Ammon said, "I can't wait to tell my friends how I conquered my fears!" Well, he conquered them and all is well.
Many family members and friends had joined in a fast for him on Sunday (since it was our fast Sunday). Ammon fasted himself for the very first time because he knew this was important. His voice was extremely quiet on Sunday morning. By Sunday night, Kaitlin and I both noticed that it was much louder and clearer. I knew then that the Lord had definitely answered all our prayers. By Monday his voice was even better. In fact, I tried to convince Jim not to even go through with the test at all but he felt it would be good to know for future reference if further surgeries would be required. I was completely at peace by Monday.
Our pediatrician, Dr. Valdez, called tonight to check up on Ammon and to see how the test went. As an answer, I gave Ammon the phone and he sang "Happy Birthday" all the way through for Dr. Valdez since it is his birthday today. He said that was a great birthday present and laughed all the way through because he was so pleased.
Ammon still has to do a breathing treatment once a day with a drug called Pulmicort but that's all he needs to do -- time will do the rest.
Here is a photo of him having the treatment tonight.
I just felt like I needed to make this post to give credit where it is due -- the Lord caused a miracle this week just like He does in so many other ways in our daily lives. He lives - He knows who we are, where we are and what we need. I don't know that I've ever felt more gratitude for that knowledge than I do tonight.