Thursday, July 31, 2008
No Bare Chest!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Look Ma, No Tubes!
Brent Pugh (Chelsey's husband) came to town for some meetings so we decided to gather at Shriner's and spend what little time we could with him. It wasn't very long, but it was so great to see him. Ammon was delighted to greet Brent. Brad Pugh, Brent's brother and his wife and two sons also came with Brent. It felt like a family reunion - and it was of sorts.
Ammon waving to the camera. (He's probably saying inside his head, get out of my face!)
Brent checking in.
This one if for you, Geoffrey - your dad riding up a very cool elevator!
Gillian's new boyfriend.
Kaitlin doesn't look so certain that this is the "guy for her."
Monday, July 28, 2008
Goodbye PCMC, Hello Shriner's!
Isaac shifting Ammon to his new bed in his new room for the next 33 days.
Making new friends - these are the Child Life Recreation Therapists that will work with Ammon. The taller girl's name is Jillian. Jess came and picked me up to help me transport all our stuff. Thank you, bud!
Dad's the man now - he came up to the hospital to give me a much-needed break. He will be Ammon's buddy for a few days.
Ammon's room # is 21. The phone # is 801-536-3510, which is the nurse's station. Ask for his room and it will be transferred.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
First Sunday
Adam, Amy, Henry & Ella
The two Elders that administered the sacrament for Ammon.
PCMC has a conference room just around the corner from this unit where they hold church every Sunday. I have attended it numerous times during Ammon's stays. The cute couple came to his room before church started to see if we needed anything and then offered to make arrangements so Ammon could take the sacrament. They asked him if he would like that. His face got that slow, cute smile and he said, "Yes!" They also asked if he would like to have a youth lesson. Again he smiled and said, "Yes!"
Before church started, Ammon and I read two chapters in the Book of Mormon - trying to make up for the lost couple of days when he was too sick to participate. I also found a Liken the Scriptures DVD entitled "Ammon and King Lamoni" which we watched together. By the time the DVD was finished, it was time for me to go to church which lasts only one half hour. The conference room was completely packed with sick kids, parents, siblings, grandparents and hospital staff. They have the opening exercises and the sacrament and then a musical number, one talk and a closing song and closing prayer. As soon as the meeting was over I heard a little girl about 8 years old tell her parents, "I like this church!"
About an hour after church two elders from the university ward came and said the sacrament prayers and gave Ammon the bread and water and then left. I got a photo of them. Two young women from the ward came and gave him a short lesson about President Monson and then quietly left. It felt good to have the availability of the Spirit all around us.
Adam & Amy came up and brought Henry and Ella. Amy will be leaving for California for a few weeks so they wanted to come up and see how Ammon was doing. I enjoyed sharing Adam's early birthday cake and playing with the kids. Just as they were about to leave, both Deacon's Quorums from our ward showed up - every single boy but one came up with all their leaders. I was dumbfounded! Ammon was more animated with this group of boys than I've ever seen him since we arrived last week. He was so excited to see this group of boys! He loves his leaders and they seem to love him, too. Each boy gave him a card and other little things to enjoy. They talked about activities, scouts, etc. They laughed and Ammon laughed with them. I let them hold the weight attached to Ammon's head so they could see what was happening and they were amazed. They stayed for about a half hour and then, just as they were going to leave they asked if they could have a prayer with us. Garrett May offered the prayer and I was so touched by the beauty of that prayer that I couldn't hold the tears back. What a wonderful bunch of young boys they are! They gave me hugs, gave Ammon knuckles and high fives and then left. I was an emotional mess by the time they left. I have been so grateful for all the people that have come up here or called or commented on the blog to show their support. Thanks to everybody for all your love!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Chest Tube Is Out!
Friday, July 25, 2008
New Room and Phone for Ammon
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Few Photos
He is doing GREAT! He is happy and looks really good. They have to take an x-ray today to take a look at his chest. If it all looks good, they will remove the chest tube which will be a big step. They removed one of three IVs. The others won't be removed probably until he moves to Shriner's. That move is scheduled for Monday morning.
He is tolerating the weight very well now. He is busy making friends with all the nurses and cleaning ladies. He has also begun to tell me that he loves me (every few minutes). Ammon is back!!
Ammon's room # is 3063 and the phone # in his room is 801-662-3063. I will be staying with him until Monday evening and will then go home for a break and to do laundry and change clothes. Jim will take my place for a couple of days then.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Today they started feeding him a little bit and took him off the high flow oxygen. He is still on oxygen (6 liters at this point which is high), but he is doing well. He was very talkative this morning but then the orthopedic people came in and started with the weights. They attached a rope to the top of his halo and let it drape over the top of the bed and then added a 5 lb weight. Five pounds seems like an awful lot of weight to be pulling on the skull and he isn't a happy camper when it's on. I have had to take it off twice to give him a break but he has to get used to it and he doesn't like it.
Oh boy - this is going to be a long five weeks!
I visited Ammon and Mom yesterday. He was alert and talked to us quite a bit. Like Mom said in the previous post, his chest is pretty congested, perhaps due to the blood transfusion and breathing tube he's had down his throat. Ammon doesn't naturally cough well, so he's having a hard time getting rid of the gunk. The doctors were coming in every so often to suction his throat out.
At one point, I put my hand on his chest to see if I could feel the junk in his lungs as he breathed. After he felt my hand, he said, "Hey, why is my shirt off?" We had some fun with that one for a while.
Every half hour or so, the doctors would rotate him in his bed so he doesn't get bed sores. After a particular rotation, Ammon said, "Oh, that feels so much better now." The doctor replied, "Well, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ammon said, "I didn't want to hurt your feelings."
He seemed to be doing pretty well. The TV was on and he was able to look at a certain Disney show episode (Life with Derek) and reported to us that this particular episode was from season 4. Hopefully he'll be out of PCMC soon and on to Shriners where it'll be a little easier to visit.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
He just asked me if he could have a chocolate bar as soon as he gets out of the two hospitals. That's a great sign! I told him he could have a chocolate bar as soon as he gets to Shriner's.
They will take the Foley Catheter out (that drains the bladder) today as well and will probably begin some light feeding through his g-tube sometime later today. Each step means great progress. We have reason to be very grateful today.
While we were in the waiting room, we became acquainted with a couple whose son was having open heart surgery. They adopted him when he was 6 years old. He is from China. He is now 11 and he is doing very well. As we talked with them at length yesterday, we discovered that they are the uncle and aunt of Eric Major, David's old mission companion.
I don't know the man's first name but the mom's name is Susan. They are great, friendly people.
I thought David might find this little tidbit interesting.